Mind Body Auricular Acupuncture-NP |
Mind and Body Therapy for
prescription drug dependency (pain pills, anxiety)
violence, accidents, domestic abuse, chronic stress
chronic pain
Save your life or someone you love.
Call for a free consultation: 505-333-4173.
Dana is available for advanced training in Trauma-Informed Mind Body Auricular Acupuncture-NP
for those who already received the basic training in auricular acupuncture (NADA Protcol).
see bottom of page
Death from prescription drug overdose (opioid pain killers) is on the rise in New Mexico while New Mexico leads the nation in overall drug overdose.
Dana Moore, LPCC is an independently licensed mental health provider in the state of New Mexico and "certified auricular detoxification specialist or CADS" by the New Mexico Board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Dana is authorized to provide a particular form of auricular acupuncture-NP (NADA Protocol, NP) for the prevention and treatment of prescription drug dependency and other types of chemical addiction. This form of auricular "acupuncture" has strong clinical evidence, from around the world, to be a safe and effective means of inducing a state of deep relaxation and stress reduction in the nervous system. Reducing the stress level in your nervous system and awaking your internal resources for healing are essential in the process of reducing your dependency to prescription drugs, especially pain killers, and moving on with your life. Dana integrates his graduate education in psychology and theology and professional training in auricular "acupuncture", yoga therapy and clinical mindfulness into a unique and powerful therapeutic experience you will not find anywhere else.
60 minute session: $150
90 minute session: $200
Limited discounts available. There is no charge for the auricular acupuncture-NP itself. The charge is for the psychological services which may be provided simultaneously with the auricular acupuncture-NP. While the needles are in place you will be guided through psychological exercises with very strong research and clinical evidence to regulate the nervous system, increase high level brain functioning and develop self-control skills you can use in everyday life. The psychological exercises are based upon training Dana has done at the Center for Mindfulness at the Worcester Medical Center and the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dana is not an acupuncturist or doctor of oriental medicine. Many states across the country allow a western healthcare professional to receive training in auricular acupuncture-NP.
What is Mind Body Auricular Acupuncture-NP?
Mind Body Auricular Acupuncture-NP is the name Dana uses to describe his unique, integrated and holistic approach to helping individuals who have experienced overwhelming stress, addiction to prescription drugs, chronic pain, sleeplessness and anxiety. The title of the auricular acupuncture procedure used by the New Mexico Board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is "auricular acupuncture detoxification". Other names for this procedure used around the world are acudetox, acupuncture detoxification, five point ear acupuncture protocol, five point protocol and 5NP. As a independently licensed mental health professional with in-depth training in psychological trauma, Dana brings sensitivity to the overwhelming experiences you have had in the past as well as the potential of being re-traumatized within the healthcare system. Many people are traumatized while receiving medical treatment as children and as adults. Dana is trained to be sensitive to the stressful experiences you may have had while receiving healthcare in the past. Dana will take your fears seriously and support you throughout the session to help you feel as safe as possible.
Auricular Acupuncture-NP and Stress
The auricular acupuncture-NP procedure Dana is trained to administer has a long history of benefiting individuals who have experienced overwhelming stress. It was initially used to help individuals recovering from addiction to opiates. Most, if not all, of these individuals had experienced overwhelming stress at some point in their lives prior to developing the addiction. Living with an addiction, in turn, causes additional overwhelming stress. Auricular acupuncture-NP is now being used all over the world to help people who experience traumatic events such as natural disasters, military violence, and other large-scale traumatic events (www.acuwithoutborders.org.). The most common report from people around the world is that they feel relaxed, peaceful and less overwhelmed.
Will I have to talk about what I experienced?
During a Mind Body Auricular Acupuncture-NP session you will not have to talk about what you experienced. Mind Body Auricular Acupuncture-NP is a non-verbal therapeutic experience. While Dana may guide you through exercises using his voice you do not have to talk about what you experienced. To make sure you are doing OK Dana might ask for your feedback or invite you to express what you are feeling and thinking during the session. Experts on psychological trauma from around the world agree that telling the story of what happened is necessary but is often not sufficient to transition successfully from overwhelming stress. Given that Dana is an independently licensed mental health care professional with extensive training in psychotherapy, you have the option to receive traditional counseling services from him in a way that is integrated with the acupuncture.
What is the relationship between trauma and addiction?
Overwhelming stress and addiction are very often two sides of the same thing. The relationship between stress and addiction is beyond doubt in the scientific community (www.ced.gov/ace). When we are stressed we try to make ourselves feel better, often with drugs we buy on the street, in a store or from a doctor. Living with an addiction, in turn, causes more stress which fuels our need for chemicals to help us feel at peace. The stress and addiction cycle is straightforward: stress can lead to using drugs/medicine (legal or illegal) which in turn cause more stress and more drug/medicine use.
What is the scientific evidence for auricular acupuncture and trauma?
At this point in time, the scientific evidence for auricular acupuncture-NP (and full-body acupuncture) for traumatic stress is lower than the support for mainstream standard procedures used in Western medicine (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3534620/pdf/2046-4053-1-46.pdf). Acupuncture is a form of Asian folk medicine. It is not a science based system like mainstream Western medicine. While scientific research gives very little support for acupuncture there are, however, positive reports from people around the world who receive auricular acupuncture-NP for stress. What exactly is responsible for their positive experience? Is it the needles in the ears? The particular points in the ears? Sitting or lying down for 45 minutes in silence or with soft music? Being in a group? Having the support of other people? All of these are elements of an auricular acupuncture-NP experience for traumatic stress and each one of them plays a role in a positive outcome. Dana invites you to trust your own experience to determine if this therapeutic approach is good for you. As you will read below, the form of auricular "acupuncture" Dana is trained to perform is based on a Western theory of how the body works not on Asian medicine theory. The only reason the word "acupuncture" is used is because the needles are called acupuncture needles. Using needles that acupuncturists use does not make a procedure "acupuncture" based on Asian theory. The form of auricular "acupuncture" Dana is trained to perform is more accurately defined as auricular therapy which was developed in Europe in the recent past (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auriculotherapy)
Are you afraid of needles?
Don't let a fear of needles stop you from giving this therapeutic experience a try. Dana will take your fear seriously. This therapeutic experience is meant to reduce stress in your nervous system not cause more. Dana will ask you if you have a sensitivity to needles and will coach you through your fear. Rather than using all five needles in each ear, maybe you will only want one in each ear until you become more comfortable. If you don't want needles at all, Dana will skip them altogether and guide you through the psychological exercises. The psychological exercises are the primary therapy which can be done with or without the ear needles. The needles Dana uses are very different from the ones doctors use. Dana's needles are very small, very thin, sterile and are used one time only.
Will it hurt?
The vast majority of people experience a sensation which varies from close to nothing at all to a mild pinch. The needles do not penetrate the skin but are gently placed inside the skin as shallow as possible. Once the needles are in place the sensation will likely reduce significantly allowing you to focus your attention on the psychological exercises and deep relaxation.
Will Dana forget to take the needles out?
No. Dana will write down how many needles he applies to each ear and will count them as he removes them and places them inside a disposal container. You can rest assured Dana will remove every needle and properly dispose of them.
What if you want the needles removed before the session is over?
Dana will be with you the entire session. You will not be left alone. You can ask Dana to remove the needles at any time.
Read about the wide variety of applications and perspectives on auricular therapy at major conferences
2014 NADA conference: www.acudetox.com/images/stories/NADA_Files/2014_Conference_Description.pdf
2014 8th International Symposium on Auricular Therapy at John's Hopkins University: www.earsymposium.com
Read what's happening in Colorado, the most promising example of professionals working together using auricular acupuncture-NP in the United States
Overview of auricular acupuncture-NP (NADA Protocol NP)
The NADA Protocol was created by a psychiatrist working in a medical hospital in New York City just over 30 years ago. It is a procedure, based on European theory of auricular therapy, utilizing needles commonly referred to as "acupuncture needles." Just because "acupuncture needles" are used to stimulate locations on the ear does make this procedure "acupuncture" based on Chinese medicine. The NADA Protocol is a procedure based on Western theory intended to support someone being treated by Western medicine. It is a simple and safe procedure that is successfully administered, around the world, by non-professionals who may or not be supervised. The NADA Protocol is not intended to, though it may, be administered by an acupuncturist within the context of Chinese medicine. It is intended to be administered by a main-stream Western healthcare practitioner or a staff member of a Western healthcare setting.
Nature of Auricular Acupuncture-NP
Modern auricular therapy, including auricular "acupuncture" has theoretical origins in both European, science-based medicine, and Asian folk medicine (www.auriculotherapy.org; www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auriculotherapy). Dr. Paul Nogier, MD, a French physician, is responsible for the modern interest in auricular therapy. (read Ear Acupuncture in Traditional European Medicine, (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2206232/). His pioneering research and clinical work is the foundation of the type of auricular therapy Dana is trained to perform. Dr. Nogier's work inspired Asian researchers and clinicians to develop their own system of auricular therapy. Both traditions, European and Asian, now believe that stimulating particular locations in the ear with needles, pressure, or electricity influences the nervous system, internal organs and mental activity. The particular auricular therapy protocol you will receive is based mostly on a European theoretical model along with a smaller contribution from Asian folk medicine. The European, medical, model uses the term "ear reflex points" and is based on the theory that the entire body is "mapped" onto the ear. This concept is independent and distinct from the theory of traditional Chinese folk medicine. This procedure involves inserting up to five thin, flexible, single-use, and sterile needles, recognized by the U.S. Federal Government as medical devices, into the skin of the outer ears at specific and predetermined locations: sympathetic, shen men, kidney, liver, and lung. The needles are usually left in place for up to 45 minutes unless you request for them to be removed earlier. You will receive this type of auricular therapy within an individual therapy session or within a group therapy session. The primary therapeutic benefit this auricular therapy protocol is to help your nervous system calm down, which in turn, supports success in reaching your primary therapeutic goals.
This auricular therapy procedure is intended to support and enhance the effects of Western behavioral medicine such as psychotherapy. It was developed by Western mental health professionals in a hospital in New York City in the 1980s and was thereafter standardized by the National Acupuncture Detox Association (NADA, www.acudetox.org). This auricular "acupuncture" protocol began as a complimentary procedure to treat chemical addictions and has since become recognized by NADA and other international organizations as a complimentary procedure for other mental health conditions such as psychological trauma which significantly increase the risk of addiction, severity of addiction, and chance of relapse.
There is robust laboratory and clinical research suggesting that relaxation, however induced, may be essential in the prevention and treatment of addiction and other related stress related mental health conditions. This information is available upon request. Research on acupuncture for the treatment of addiction is given an evidence grade of “C” by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration (www.naturalstandard.com). Acupuncture is considered by the National Institutes of Health to be “complimentary and alternative” medicine (www.nccam.nih.gov/health/whatiscam).
Purpose and Potential Benefits of Dana's integrated Mind Body Auricular Acupuncture-NP
The most common feedback by Dana's clients and from people, around the world, receiving auricular acupuncture-NP is that they feel calm and relaxed. Feeling calm and relaxed are central experiences for successful treatment psychological trauma and addictive behavior, two highly correlated conditions. A relaxed state of mind and body helps to reduce cravings for addictive chemicals and behaviors, improve executive functioning, and increase a sense of wellbeing.
During your session you will be guided through psychological exercises that are facilitated by the relaxation effect of this type of ear needling. Combining psychological exercises and ear needling is not the conventional manner of administering auricular acupuncture-NP suggested by NADA but NADA does not prohibit combining psychological exercises while ear needles are in place. Dana Moore has administered this integrated therapeutic experience hundreds of times to a wide spectrum of individuals of different ages, genders and ethnic group. Dana's success is consistent with reports from around the world.
Potential risks: This is a very safe therapeutic technique. However, there are some uncommon but potential risks. These potential risks may include but are not limited to: infection, bruising, dizziness, fainting, and nausea. The most common side effects are discomfort and/or bleeding where the needles are placed in the skin of the ear. Please inform Dana if you have severe bleeding disorders or if you are wearing a pacemaker or other electronic medical device. An auricular acupuncture detoxification specialist (CADS) has successfully completed training in Clean Needle Technique and Universal Precautions. Please notify Dana if you experience any adverse effect from this type of auricular therapy.
Additional Information
"Auricular acupuncture detoxification" is a term, among a few, used to describe an auricular therapy procedure standardized by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA). The procedure involves gently placing up to ten single-use, sterile filament needles into five points on the outer ears. The vast majority of individuals notice only slight discomfort. Participants from around the world report feeling calm and relaxed during and after the procedure. "Auricular acupuncture detoxification" is a complimentary technique and not a primary treatment modality. The initial clinical application for this procedure was developed over thirty years ago for individuals (mostly traumatized) who were healing from drug addiction. Additional areas of clinical focus for this procedure have emerged over the last thirty years. One area currently receiving a lot of attention, by clinicians and researchers, is in the treatment of anxiety disorders such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Dana has advanced training in treating PTSD with alternative mind/body techniques and is the only independently licensed mental health professional using this auricular acupuncture procedure within a comprehensive treatment plan to help people heal from traumatic stress.
More from NADA (www.acudetox.com)
Since the NADA Protocol works by mobilizing the existing internal resources of the patient, every aspect of a clinician's interaction with persons in need is to help them help themselves. Opening access to the treatment itself comes first. This occurs through eliminating unnecessary bureaucratic, socio-economic and environmental barriers to starting a program of recovery. The next task is to create a zone of peace within which patients can begin to experience their own inner strengths. Finally, and in respect to the other aspects, keep it simple.
NADA members are based in all states of the USA and most provinces of Canada and are associated occupationally with a wide variety of healthcare settings. These include addiction treatment programs, mental health facilities, military veterans healthcare programs, harm reduction and similar outreach projects, homeless shelters, jails, prisons and halfway houses. According to data from the US government, more than 1000 publicly licensed addiction treatment programs in the country include acupuncture as a therapeutic tool.
NADA estimates that there are more than 2000 clinics worldwide since NADA training and treatments have taken root in many locales outside North America. These are found in nearly every European country including Russia, plus the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia, Australia, South America, the Caribbean and Mexico. Independently operating branches of NADA function in Denmark, Israel, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Finland, Hungary, Russia, Switzerland, Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand and India. Globally, more than 25,000 health workers have completed the NADA training.
New geographical areas desiring to establish a NADA capability may utilize the organizational functions of the original North American based entity until they attain the ability and need to function independently under NADA principles.
While derived originally from the Chinese medicine theory of detoxification, the NADA method is adaptable to almost all cultural milieus and physical environments. NADA treatment is feasible, even in settings where threats of violence had previously made it difficult to serve clients.
Below is a list of the diverse settings and health specialties that have incorporated the NADA protocol:
Emergency Medicine/Disaster Relief
Firefighters...First Responders...
Emergency Medical Technicians/Specialists...Paramedics...Nurses...Doctors...
Addictions Treatment
from harm reduction to 12-step...
from opiate maintenance to detox...
from abstinence based inpatient to outpatient...
Mental Health
from psychiatric hospitals to outpatient mental health and dual diagnosis treatment...
Court Diversion
from the first drug courts in the US, still providing acu detox today...
from jails to prisons to re-integration boot camps...
Community Health
from homeless shelters to refugee camp health promotion...
from musicians clinics to military bases....
from churches to farmer's markets...
from HIV testing centers to HIV/AIDS clinics...
from rape crisis centers to violent and sex offender programs...
from Employee Assistance Programs to senior centers to school teachers and counselors...
Self-Help and Peer Support Groups
To name a few: sickle cell...breast cancer..survivors of violence...
Professional Training in Trauma-Informed Mind Body Auricular Acupuncture-NP
Dana Moore, M.A.R., M.A.
At the present time guidelines, standards, or best practices are not shared among practitioners administering auricular acupuncture NP to individuals receiving treatment for addiction (chemical or behavioral) and/or psychological trauma. A “trauma-informed” perspective to auricular acupuncture NP takes into account three broad areas of clinical relevance. Firstly, the presence of traumatic stress is assumed to be present in the history of someone seeking treatment for addiction (chemical or behavioral). Secondly, specific actions are taken by the provider to increase the psychological safety of the patient. Thirdly, the acudetox procedure is integrated within a primary treatment modality to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of an integrated treatment strategy. A “trauma-informed” perspective draws upon three areas of clinical practice. Firstly, current findings are integrated from the neuroscience of psychological trauma and factors relevant to its treatment such as the neuroscience of mindfulness. Secondly, the psychology and biology of traumatic stress dating back to the late 1800s in the scientific literature is incorporated. Thirdly, qualitative reports, program evaluations, and lessons learned from clinical programs providing auricular acupuncture to traumatized populations around the world are also taken into account. Giving specific attention the presence of psychological trauma within the histories of those seeking treatment for addiction will reduce the chances that psychological trauma will remain underreported and undertreated.
The evidence linking psychological trauma and addiction is undisputed in the scientific literature. A healthcare provider administering treatment for chemical or behavioral addiction would be safe to assume the presence of one or more traumatic events in the history of their patient. Some individuals seeking treatment for addiction are able and willing to report their trauma history and some are not able to do so (repressed memories, excessive shame, the belief that their trauma history is irrelevant to the treatment they are seeking, fear of becoming upset if they were to talk about what happened to them). A clinician, therefore, cannot rely on the self-report of their patient’s trauma history and should operate with the assumption that the individual seeking treatment for addiction (chemical or behavioral) has a history of either Type 1 traumatic stress: single event such as an accident, assault, natural disaster, medical procedure or Type 2 traumatic stress: chronic abuse/neglect in childhood. The mainstream view is that psychological trauma precedes the onset of addiction (chemical or behavioral) while the addiction is understood to be a “self-medicating” behavior. The primary way to prevent addiction is to prevent psychological trauma. If psychological trauma is already present the individual is at an increased risk for developing an addiction. The current approach by mainstream mental health providers is to treat both the trauma and addiction at the same time. Addiction treatment and trauma treatment are two dimensions of the same condition requiring professional help.
Safety and efficacy are operationally defined in trauma-informed auricular acupuncture-NP as follows:
· Reduce activation of traumatic memories (somatic and cognitive) during the needling procedure and throughout the treatment experience
· Provider preparedness to process traumatic memories that do arise
· Provide the patient with options for how they can receive acudetox (individually or in a group)
· Contribute to trauma treatment objectives such as the following: reduction of sympathetic nervous system arousal, increased executive functioning (mindfulness), opportunities for decision making, acquisition of self-regulation skills, and interpersonal attunement with the acudetox provider.
The following treatment guidelines are offered as a starting point for best practices of trauma-informed auricular acupuncture:
· Ask the patient(s) if they are sensitive around their ears, head, or neck (some individuals were physically abused in these areas)
· Ask the patient(s) if they are sensitive to bleeding or seeing blood (some traumatized individuals might be triggered if they were to bleed or to seeing their blood)
· Ask the patient(s) if they were ever intentionally harmed by someone with needles in the past (some individuals are abused with needles)
· Ask permission before touching a patient(s) to reduce boundary related traumatic triggers
· Allowing the patient(s) to choose how they would like to receive auricular acupuncture NP (individually or in a group). Many traumatized individuals avoid groups. Requiring a patient to attend a group to receive a treatment that could be administered as safely and effectively to them in private might be a violation of medical ethics and patient rights.
· Helping a patient process traumatic memories that arise during the procedure (if provider has appropriate training in processing traumatic memories)
· Explain the benefits of auricular acupuncture NP within the context of recovery from trauma and addiction
· Support the patient(s) to maintain present-moment awareness of themselves and environment to avoid dissociation, anxiety, and panic
· Guide the patient(s) through executive functioning exercises such as sensation awareness while they are receiving auricular acupuncture NP either individually or in a group. Increasing executive functioning is a primary trauma treatment objective for many traumatized individuals. Auricular acupuncture NP tends to decrease sympathetic arousal in the CNS resulting in increased neocortical functioning in areas relevant to trauma treatment. Some traumatized individuals may experience an increase in safety if they are attended to by the provider throughout the treatment rather than being left alone.
· Teaching patient(s) self-regulatory behaviors such as diaphragmatic breathing, ratio breathing, slow-mindful breathing while they are in a calm and relaxed state during auricular acupuncture NP.
· If necessary process the patient(s) experience (traumatic somatic and/or cognitive memories) between each needle of the NADA protocol
· Ask the patient(s) how many needles they would like to receive (they might be particularly sensitive to physical discomfort on any particular day)
· Let the patient(s) know they can request the needles to be removed at any time. (Avoid the patient feeling trapped within a procedure, support self-efficacy, and self-regulation)
60 minute session: $150
90 minute session: $200
Limited discounts available. There is no charge for the auricular acupuncture-NP itself. The charge is for the psychological services which may be provided simultaneously with the auricular acupuncture-NP. While the needles are in place you will be guided through psychological exercises with very strong research and clinical evidence to regulate the nervous system, increase high level brain functioning and develop self-control skills you can use in everyday life. The psychological exercises are based upon training Dana has done at the Center for Mindfulness at the Worcester Medical Center and the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dana is not an acupuncturist or doctor of oriental medicine. Many states across the country allow a western healthcare professional to receive training in auricular acupuncture-NP.
What is Mind Body Auricular Acupuncture-NP?
Mind Body Auricular Acupuncture-NP is the name Dana uses to describe his unique, integrated and holistic approach to helping individuals who have experienced overwhelming stress, addiction to prescription drugs, chronic pain, sleeplessness and anxiety. The title of the auricular acupuncture procedure used by the New Mexico Board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is "auricular acupuncture detoxification". Other names for this procedure used around the world are acudetox, acupuncture detoxification, five point ear acupuncture protocol, five point protocol and 5NP. As a independently licensed mental health professional with in-depth training in psychological trauma, Dana brings sensitivity to the overwhelming experiences you have had in the past as well as the potential of being re-traumatized within the healthcare system. Many people are traumatized while receiving medical treatment as children and as adults. Dana is trained to be sensitive to the stressful experiences you may have had while receiving healthcare in the past. Dana will take your fears seriously and support you throughout the session to help you feel as safe as possible.
Auricular Acupuncture-NP and Stress
The auricular acupuncture-NP procedure Dana is trained to administer has a long history of benefiting individuals who have experienced overwhelming stress. It was initially used to help individuals recovering from addiction to opiates. Most, if not all, of these individuals had experienced overwhelming stress at some point in their lives prior to developing the addiction. Living with an addiction, in turn, causes additional overwhelming stress. Auricular acupuncture-NP is now being used all over the world to help people who experience traumatic events such as natural disasters, military violence, and other large-scale traumatic events (www.acuwithoutborders.org.). The most common report from people around the world is that they feel relaxed, peaceful and less overwhelmed.
Will I have to talk about what I experienced?
During a Mind Body Auricular Acupuncture-NP session you will not have to talk about what you experienced. Mind Body Auricular Acupuncture-NP is a non-verbal therapeutic experience. While Dana may guide you through exercises using his voice you do not have to talk about what you experienced. To make sure you are doing OK Dana might ask for your feedback or invite you to express what you are feeling and thinking during the session. Experts on psychological trauma from around the world agree that telling the story of what happened is necessary but is often not sufficient to transition successfully from overwhelming stress. Given that Dana is an independently licensed mental health care professional with extensive training in psychotherapy, you have the option to receive traditional counseling services from him in a way that is integrated with the acupuncture.
What is the relationship between trauma and addiction?
Overwhelming stress and addiction are very often two sides of the same thing. The relationship between stress and addiction is beyond doubt in the scientific community (www.ced.gov/ace). When we are stressed we try to make ourselves feel better, often with drugs we buy on the street, in a store or from a doctor. Living with an addiction, in turn, causes more stress which fuels our need for chemicals to help us feel at peace. The stress and addiction cycle is straightforward: stress can lead to using drugs/medicine (legal or illegal) which in turn cause more stress and more drug/medicine use.
What is the scientific evidence for auricular acupuncture and trauma?
At this point in time, the scientific evidence for auricular acupuncture-NP (and full-body acupuncture) for traumatic stress is lower than the support for mainstream standard procedures used in Western medicine (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3534620/pdf/2046-4053-1-46.pdf). Acupuncture is a form of Asian folk medicine. It is not a science based system like mainstream Western medicine. While scientific research gives very little support for acupuncture there are, however, positive reports from people around the world who receive auricular acupuncture-NP for stress. What exactly is responsible for their positive experience? Is it the needles in the ears? The particular points in the ears? Sitting or lying down for 45 minutes in silence or with soft music? Being in a group? Having the support of other people? All of these are elements of an auricular acupuncture-NP experience for traumatic stress and each one of them plays a role in a positive outcome. Dana invites you to trust your own experience to determine if this therapeutic approach is good for you. As you will read below, the form of auricular "acupuncture" Dana is trained to perform is based on a Western theory of how the body works not on Asian medicine theory. The only reason the word "acupuncture" is used is because the needles are called acupuncture needles. Using needles that acupuncturists use does not make a procedure "acupuncture" based on Asian theory. The form of auricular "acupuncture" Dana is trained to perform is more accurately defined as auricular therapy which was developed in Europe in the recent past (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auriculotherapy)
Are you afraid of needles?
Don't let a fear of needles stop you from giving this therapeutic experience a try. Dana will take your fear seriously. This therapeutic experience is meant to reduce stress in your nervous system not cause more. Dana will ask you if you have a sensitivity to needles and will coach you through your fear. Rather than using all five needles in each ear, maybe you will only want one in each ear until you become more comfortable. If you don't want needles at all, Dana will skip them altogether and guide you through the psychological exercises. The psychological exercises are the primary therapy which can be done with or without the ear needles. The needles Dana uses are very different from the ones doctors use. Dana's needles are very small, very thin, sterile and are used one time only.
Will it hurt?
The vast majority of people experience a sensation which varies from close to nothing at all to a mild pinch. The needles do not penetrate the skin but are gently placed inside the skin as shallow as possible. Once the needles are in place the sensation will likely reduce significantly allowing you to focus your attention on the psychological exercises and deep relaxation.
Will Dana forget to take the needles out?
No. Dana will write down how many needles he applies to each ear and will count them as he removes them and places them inside a disposal container. You can rest assured Dana will remove every needle and properly dispose of them.
What if you want the needles removed before the session is over?
Dana will be with you the entire session. You will not be left alone. You can ask Dana to remove the needles at any time.
Read about the wide variety of applications and perspectives on auricular therapy at major conferences
2014 NADA conference: www.acudetox.com/images/stories/NADA_Files/2014_Conference_Description.pdf
2014 8th International Symposium on Auricular Therapy at John's Hopkins University: www.earsymposium.com
Read what's happening in Colorado, the most promising example of professionals working together using auricular acupuncture-NP in the United States
Overview of auricular acupuncture-NP (NADA Protocol NP)
The NADA Protocol was created by a psychiatrist working in a medical hospital in New York City just over 30 years ago. It is a procedure, based on European theory of auricular therapy, utilizing needles commonly referred to as "acupuncture needles." Just because "acupuncture needles" are used to stimulate locations on the ear does make this procedure "acupuncture" based on Chinese medicine. The NADA Protocol is a procedure based on Western theory intended to support someone being treated by Western medicine. It is a simple and safe procedure that is successfully administered, around the world, by non-professionals who may or not be supervised. The NADA Protocol is not intended to, though it may, be administered by an acupuncturist within the context of Chinese medicine. It is intended to be administered by a main-stream Western healthcare practitioner or a staff member of a Western healthcare setting.
Nature of Auricular Acupuncture-NP
Modern auricular therapy, including auricular "acupuncture" has theoretical origins in both European, science-based medicine, and Asian folk medicine (www.auriculotherapy.org; www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auriculotherapy). Dr. Paul Nogier, MD, a French physician, is responsible for the modern interest in auricular therapy. (read Ear Acupuncture in Traditional European Medicine, (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2206232/). His pioneering research and clinical work is the foundation of the type of auricular therapy Dana is trained to perform. Dr. Nogier's work inspired Asian researchers and clinicians to develop their own system of auricular therapy. Both traditions, European and Asian, now believe that stimulating particular locations in the ear with needles, pressure, or electricity influences the nervous system, internal organs and mental activity. The particular auricular therapy protocol you will receive is based mostly on a European theoretical model along with a smaller contribution from Asian folk medicine. The European, medical, model uses the term "ear reflex points" and is based on the theory that the entire body is "mapped" onto the ear. This concept is independent and distinct from the theory of traditional Chinese folk medicine. This procedure involves inserting up to five thin, flexible, single-use, and sterile needles, recognized by the U.S. Federal Government as medical devices, into the skin of the outer ears at specific and predetermined locations: sympathetic, shen men, kidney, liver, and lung. The needles are usually left in place for up to 45 minutes unless you request for them to be removed earlier. You will receive this type of auricular therapy within an individual therapy session or within a group therapy session. The primary therapeutic benefit this auricular therapy protocol is to help your nervous system calm down, which in turn, supports success in reaching your primary therapeutic goals.
This auricular therapy procedure is intended to support and enhance the effects of Western behavioral medicine such as psychotherapy. It was developed by Western mental health professionals in a hospital in New York City in the 1980s and was thereafter standardized by the National Acupuncture Detox Association (NADA, www.acudetox.org). This auricular "acupuncture" protocol began as a complimentary procedure to treat chemical addictions and has since become recognized by NADA and other international organizations as a complimentary procedure for other mental health conditions such as psychological trauma which significantly increase the risk of addiction, severity of addiction, and chance of relapse.
There is robust laboratory and clinical research suggesting that relaxation, however induced, may be essential in the prevention and treatment of addiction and other related stress related mental health conditions. This information is available upon request. Research on acupuncture for the treatment of addiction is given an evidence grade of “C” by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration (www.naturalstandard.com). Acupuncture is considered by the National Institutes of Health to be “complimentary and alternative” medicine (www.nccam.nih.gov/health/whatiscam).
Purpose and Potential Benefits of Dana's integrated Mind Body Auricular Acupuncture-NP
The most common feedback by Dana's clients and from people, around the world, receiving auricular acupuncture-NP is that they feel calm and relaxed. Feeling calm and relaxed are central experiences for successful treatment psychological trauma and addictive behavior, two highly correlated conditions. A relaxed state of mind and body helps to reduce cravings for addictive chemicals and behaviors, improve executive functioning, and increase a sense of wellbeing.
During your session you will be guided through psychological exercises that are facilitated by the relaxation effect of this type of ear needling. Combining psychological exercises and ear needling is not the conventional manner of administering auricular acupuncture-NP suggested by NADA but NADA does not prohibit combining psychological exercises while ear needles are in place. Dana Moore has administered this integrated therapeutic experience hundreds of times to a wide spectrum of individuals of different ages, genders and ethnic group. Dana's success is consistent with reports from around the world.
Potential risks: This is a very safe therapeutic technique. However, there are some uncommon but potential risks. These potential risks may include but are not limited to: infection, bruising, dizziness, fainting, and nausea. The most common side effects are discomfort and/or bleeding where the needles are placed in the skin of the ear. Please inform Dana if you have severe bleeding disorders or if you are wearing a pacemaker or other electronic medical device. An auricular acupuncture detoxification specialist (CADS) has successfully completed training in Clean Needle Technique and Universal Precautions. Please notify Dana if you experience any adverse effect from this type of auricular therapy.
Additional Information
"Auricular acupuncture detoxification" is a term, among a few, used to describe an auricular therapy procedure standardized by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA). The procedure involves gently placing up to ten single-use, sterile filament needles into five points on the outer ears. The vast majority of individuals notice only slight discomfort. Participants from around the world report feeling calm and relaxed during and after the procedure. "Auricular acupuncture detoxification" is a complimentary technique and not a primary treatment modality. The initial clinical application for this procedure was developed over thirty years ago for individuals (mostly traumatized) who were healing from drug addiction. Additional areas of clinical focus for this procedure have emerged over the last thirty years. One area currently receiving a lot of attention, by clinicians and researchers, is in the treatment of anxiety disorders such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Dana has advanced training in treating PTSD with alternative mind/body techniques and is the only independently licensed mental health professional using this auricular acupuncture procedure within a comprehensive treatment plan to help people heal from traumatic stress.
More from NADA (www.acudetox.com)
Since the NADA Protocol works by mobilizing the existing internal resources of the patient, every aspect of a clinician's interaction with persons in need is to help them help themselves. Opening access to the treatment itself comes first. This occurs through eliminating unnecessary bureaucratic, socio-economic and environmental barriers to starting a program of recovery. The next task is to create a zone of peace within which patients can begin to experience their own inner strengths. Finally, and in respect to the other aspects, keep it simple.
NADA members are based in all states of the USA and most provinces of Canada and are associated occupationally with a wide variety of healthcare settings. These include addiction treatment programs, mental health facilities, military veterans healthcare programs, harm reduction and similar outreach projects, homeless shelters, jails, prisons and halfway houses. According to data from the US government, more than 1000 publicly licensed addiction treatment programs in the country include acupuncture as a therapeutic tool.
NADA estimates that there are more than 2000 clinics worldwide since NADA training and treatments have taken root in many locales outside North America. These are found in nearly every European country including Russia, plus the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia, Australia, South America, the Caribbean and Mexico. Independently operating branches of NADA function in Denmark, Israel, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Finland, Hungary, Russia, Switzerland, Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand and India. Globally, more than 25,000 health workers have completed the NADA training.
New geographical areas desiring to establish a NADA capability may utilize the organizational functions of the original North American based entity until they attain the ability and need to function independently under NADA principles.
While derived originally from the Chinese medicine theory of detoxification, the NADA method is adaptable to almost all cultural milieus and physical environments. NADA treatment is feasible, even in settings where threats of violence had previously made it difficult to serve clients.
Below is a list of the diverse settings and health specialties that have incorporated the NADA protocol:
Emergency Medicine/Disaster Relief
Firefighters...First Responders...
Emergency Medical Technicians/Specialists...Paramedics...Nurses...Doctors...
Addictions Treatment
from harm reduction to 12-step...
from opiate maintenance to detox...
from abstinence based inpatient to outpatient...
Mental Health
from psychiatric hospitals to outpatient mental health and dual diagnosis treatment...
Court Diversion
from the first drug courts in the US, still providing acu detox today...
from jails to prisons to re-integration boot camps...
Community Health
from homeless shelters to refugee camp health promotion...
from musicians clinics to military bases....
from churches to farmer's markets...
from HIV testing centers to HIV/AIDS clinics...
from rape crisis centers to violent and sex offender programs...
from Employee Assistance Programs to senior centers to school teachers and counselors...
Self-Help and Peer Support Groups
To name a few: sickle cell...breast cancer..survivors of violence...
Professional Training in Trauma-Informed Mind Body Auricular Acupuncture-NP
Dana Moore, M.A.R., M.A.
At the present time guidelines, standards, or best practices are not shared among practitioners administering auricular acupuncture NP to individuals receiving treatment for addiction (chemical or behavioral) and/or psychological trauma. A “trauma-informed” perspective to auricular acupuncture NP takes into account three broad areas of clinical relevance. Firstly, the presence of traumatic stress is assumed to be present in the history of someone seeking treatment for addiction (chemical or behavioral). Secondly, specific actions are taken by the provider to increase the psychological safety of the patient. Thirdly, the acudetox procedure is integrated within a primary treatment modality to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of an integrated treatment strategy. A “trauma-informed” perspective draws upon three areas of clinical practice. Firstly, current findings are integrated from the neuroscience of psychological trauma and factors relevant to its treatment such as the neuroscience of mindfulness. Secondly, the psychology and biology of traumatic stress dating back to the late 1800s in the scientific literature is incorporated. Thirdly, qualitative reports, program evaluations, and lessons learned from clinical programs providing auricular acupuncture to traumatized populations around the world are also taken into account. Giving specific attention the presence of psychological trauma within the histories of those seeking treatment for addiction will reduce the chances that psychological trauma will remain underreported and undertreated.
The evidence linking psychological trauma and addiction is undisputed in the scientific literature. A healthcare provider administering treatment for chemical or behavioral addiction would be safe to assume the presence of one or more traumatic events in the history of their patient. Some individuals seeking treatment for addiction are able and willing to report their trauma history and some are not able to do so (repressed memories, excessive shame, the belief that their trauma history is irrelevant to the treatment they are seeking, fear of becoming upset if they were to talk about what happened to them). A clinician, therefore, cannot rely on the self-report of their patient’s trauma history and should operate with the assumption that the individual seeking treatment for addiction (chemical or behavioral) has a history of either Type 1 traumatic stress: single event such as an accident, assault, natural disaster, medical procedure or Type 2 traumatic stress: chronic abuse/neglect in childhood. The mainstream view is that psychological trauma precedes the onset of addiction (chemical or behavioral) while the addiction is understood to be a “self-medicating” behavior. The primary way to prevent addiction is to prevent psychological trauma. If psychological trauma is already present the individual is at an increased risk for developing an addiction. The current approach by mainstream mental health providers is to treat both the trauma and addiction at the same time. Addiction treatment and trauma treatment are two dimensions of the same condition requiring professional help.
Safety and efficacy are operationally defined in trauma-informed auricular acupuncture-NP as follows:
· Reduce activation of traumatic memories (somatic and cognitive) during the needling procedure and throughout the treatment experience
· Provider preparedness to process traumatic memories that do arise
· Provide the patient with options for how they can receive acudetox (individually or in a group)
· Contribute to trauma treatment objectives such as the following: reduction of sympathetic nervous system arousal, increased executive functioning (mindfulness), opportunities for decision making, acquisition of self-regulation skills, and interpersonal attunement with the acudetox provider.
The following treatment guidelines are offered as a starting point for best practices of trauma-informed auricular acupuncture:
· Ask the patient(s) if they are sensitive around their ears, head, or neck (some individuals were physically abused in these areas)
· Ask the patient(s) if they are sensitive to bleeding or seeing blood (some traumatized individuals might be triggered if they were to bleed or to seeing their blood)
· Ask the patient(s) if they were ever intentionally harmed by someone with needles in the past (some individuals are abused with needles)
· Ask permission before touching a patient(s) to reduce boundary related traumatic triggers
· Allowing the patient(s) to choose how they would like to receive auricular acupuncture NP (individually or in a group). Many traumatized individuals avoid groups. Requiring a patient to attend a group to receive a treatment that could be administered as safely and effectively to them in private might be a violation of medical ethics and patient rights.
· Helping a patient process traumatic memories that arise during the procedure (if provider has appropriate training in processing traumatic memories)
· Explain the benefits of auricular acupuncture NP within the context of recovery from trauma and addiction
· Support the patient(s) to maintain present-moment awareness of themselves and environment to avoid dissociation, anxiety, and panic
· Guide the patient(s) through executive functioning exercises such as sensation awareness while they are receiving auricular acupuncture NP either individually or in a group. Increasing executive functioning is a primary trauma treatment objective for many traumatized individuals. Auricular acupuncture NP tends to decrease sympathetic arousal in the CNS resulting in increased neocortical functioning in areas relevant to trauma treatment. Some traumatized individuals may experience an increase in safety if they are attended to by the provider throughout the treatment rather than being left alone.
· Teaching patient(s) self-regulatory behaviors such as diaphragmatic breathing, ratio breathing, slow-mindful breathing while they are in a calm and relaxed state during auricular acupuncture NP.
· If necessary process the patient(s) experience (traumatic somatic and/or cognitive memories) between each needle of the NADA protocol
· Ask the patient(s) how many needles they would like to receive (they might be particularly sensitive to physical discomfort on any particular day)
· Let the patient(s) know they can request the needles to be removed at any time. (Avoid the patient feeling trapped within a procedure, support self-efficacy, and self-regulation)